Circumference :-Circumference of circle is the distance around the circle.
Calculate The Circumference of Circle By Given Formula
Circumference = 2*Ï€*r
Here Pi (Ï€) is a Greek Letter and r is a Radius (1/2 Of Diameter )
Pi (Ï€) = 3.141592653589793 Approx. It Is A Constant Value
Area =Ï€ *r*r
Answer :-
int main()
int rad;
float Pi = 3.14, area, ci;
printf("\nEnter radius of circle: ");
scanf("%d", &rad);
area = Pi * rad * rad;
printf("\nArea of circle : %f ", area);
ci = 2 * Pi * rad;
printf("\nCircumference : %f ", ci);
return (0);
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