● Find diameter, circumference and area of a circle using functions.
● Maximum and minimum between two numbers using functions.
● Check whether a number is even or odd using functions.
● Check whether a number is prime, Armstrong or perfect number using
● Find all prime numbers between the given interval using functions.
● Print all strong numbers between the given interval using functions.
● Armstrong numbers between the given interval using functions.
● Print all perfect numbers between the given interval using functions.
● Find the power of any number using recursion.
● Print all natural numbers between 1 to n using recursion.
● Print all even or odd numbers in given range using recursion.
● Sum of all natural numbers between 1 to n using recursion.
● Find the sum of all even or odd numbers in a given range using recursion.
● Find reverse of any number using recursion.
● Check whether a number is a palindrome or not using recursion.
● Find the sum of digits of a given number using recursion.
● Find factorial of any number using recursion.
● Generate nth Fibonacci term using recursion.
● Find gcd (HCF) of two numbers using recursion.
● Find lcm of two numbers using recursion.
● Display all array elements using recursion.
● Find the sum of elements of the array using recursion.
● Find maximum and minimum elements in an array using recursion.
● Stricmp() Function (Case In-Sensitive Compare)
● Strncat() Function (String Concatenat
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